A loan helped a member to buy bags of used shoes in bulk to help shore up her initial capital.

Tumaini3 Group's story

Madam Justine is a client of Hekima IMF and is the President of the TUMAINI 3 Group. She is married, 45 years old and mother of 7 children, all attending school. Her partner is a driver.
Justine sells used shoes, a business she started 12 years ago with startup capital from her husband. Later she joined the Hekima program to help support her business which has since steadily grown.
With this new loan, she will buy bags of used shoes in bulk to strengthen her initial capital. Her business is doing well. She would like to see her children continue in their studies and to also grow her operation. Finally, she would like to thank Hekima and its partners for supporting owners of unbankable businesses.

In this group: Salom, Euphrasie, Justine, Justine, Chantale, Noella Marie Jeanne, Sau, David, Yvette, Fernando, Samuel, Esperance, Joel, Colleta, Bulonza, Jeanine, Jacques, Jeanette, Aimee, Especiose, Divine, Jeannette, Myamugirwa

Translator profile picture

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Michel Proulx.

This loan is special because:

It serves entrepreneurs in conflict-affected areas with few opportunities.

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