A loan helped a member to buy vitamins and food, like corn, for her chickens and ducks.

Exitosos 2 Group's story

The member belongs to the Exitosos 2 communal bank.

Guillermina is an enterprising lady. She works raising chickens and ducks and is a supplier in the city of Quillabamba. She is doing very well.

The member is requesting the loan to buy vitamins and food, such as corn, for her chickens and ducks.

The baby that appears in the photo is the member's son.

The member feels happy and grateful for the loan.

In this group: Pedro, Guillermina, Lilia Kristhel, Noris, Natalia, Elvin, Rosly

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer E. Power.

This loan is special because:

It reaches borrowers in underserved and disadvantaged areas in Peru.

Loan details

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