A loan helped to buy assorted groceries like toiletries, snack foods, chips, food seasonings, and drinks.

Simplicio Jr.'s story

Simplicio Jr. lives in the province of Cebu. He is 37 years old and single. To earn an income, he runs a sari-sari (variety) store, selling basic commodities. He has been in this business for five years.

Now, he asks for a loan of PHP 8,000 through Kiva’s field partner, CEVI-Philippines. He will use this loan to buy assorted groceries like toiletries, snack foods, chips, food seasonings, and drinks.

Simplicio Jr. wants to augment their livelihood in the future and become productive.

This loan is special because:

It provides training and capital for this borrower.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details