A loan helped to buy 1 bale of pages [traditional wax-printed wraps] to invest in her business.

Bernadette's story

Mme Bernadette is married and has three children. The oldest is 8 and the youngest is 2. 2 children go to school and she has 3 dependents. Mme Bernadette has been selling pagnes for 6 years.
She buys her supplies in the city's markets and abroad in Lomé.
With the money from the loan, she intends to buy 1 bale of pagnes for her business and then reinvest her profits.
She wants to reinvest the profits from the loan in her business. Her ambition is to become a wholesaler and take care of the education of her children.

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Niclas Witton.

This loan is special because:

It empowers borrowers to grow their businesses.

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