A loan helped to buy shoes, t-shirts, shirts, boxer shorts, blouses, bikinis, notebooks, standard exercise books, pencils, colored pencils and special exercise books.

Lucia Del Carmen's story

Lucia P. is 48 years old and lives in '21 de Septiembre' neighborhood, in San Marcos de Colón. Lucia is a determined woman who sells new clothes and school supplies. She sells her products in places such as San Francisco, Orocuina and Yusguare. She distributes her goods to grocery stores and also to people who place orders with her. She travels to these places every week to distribute her merchandise. Her husband helps her to cover their household expenses. Together they work hard to get their family ahead, so that they can enjoy a better quality of life.

Lucia will use her loan to buy shoes, t-shirts, shirts, boxer shorts, blouses, bikinis, notebooks, standard exercise books, pencils, colored pencils and special exercise books.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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