A loan helped a member to purchase NPK and urea fertilizers and labor.

Abahuzangufu Group's story

Protais Ntawukwanga is a rice farmer in the Bugesera sector, and a member of the Abahuzangufu group. He is 39 years old, married, was born in Rwanda, and has 3 children between the ages of 2 and 13. One of his children goes to school, and Protais finished 3 years of primary school. He has been a member of ACB since 2010. This is his second loan and he has a good repayment history. He is going to use this loan to purchase NPK and urea fertilizers and labor for the rice farming. His strategy for the growth of his job is to improve his rice farming trade. He would like to become a wholesaler, pay medical costs, and pay his children's educational costs.

In this group: Protais, Laurent, Augustin, Benjamin, Jean Pierre, Emerita, Antoinette, Liberatte, Zacharie, Jacqueline, Francois, Alphonsine, Marcelle, Francine, Ezekiyasi, Jean Damascene, Eliya, Dansira, Jean Paul, Innocent, Emmanuel, Valensi, Joseph, Monique, Marianne, Savier

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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