A loan helped to buy a motorcycle for transporting her crops.

Maria's story

María is an experienced farmer from Cajibio, Cauca, with 20 years of experience in agriculture. She cultivates coffee and sugarcane. At the moment, she currently manages approximately 3,000 coffee trees on her land. She fertilizes her coffee plants twice a year and hires five workers during the harvest season to pick and dry the coffee beans. María also processes sugar cane into panela, a natural sweetener widely used in Colombia, which she sells at the local market.

Maria lives in her own house with her husband, who is employed, and their 15-year-old son. Her husband and son help with the maintenance of the crops.

A loan of 6,424,476 COP helps María buy a motorcycle. This vehicle will help her optimize the operation of her farm and enable her to transport her crops more efficiently.

This loan is special because:

Loan will be use to finance borrowers motorbikes purchase

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