A loan helped a member to buy more Irish potato seeds and fertilizers.

Tuzamurane Gisizi Agric Sub Grp A Group's story

Baptiste is a 53-year-old father of six children, aged between 19 and 26 years old. His wife is a farmer and, for the past 30 years, he has been growing Irish potatoes. Baptiste is the leader of the group named Tuzamurane Gisizi Agric Sub Grp A, which in English means "Let's develop each other". All of the group members are Irish potato growers.

Baptiste will use his loan to buy more Irish potato seeds and fertilizers to use in his Irish potato farm. He will then sell his harvests at the marketplace to meet customer demand. With the profits from his sales, he hopes to be able to increase savings and also be able to pay household expenses.

Baptiste is thankful for your support.

Note: The photo is of Baptiste, the group president, representing the group.

In this group: Jean, Appolinaire, Anastase, Baptiste, Felicien, Innocent, Pierre, Emmanuel, Edouard, Augustin, Etienne

This loan is special because:

It provides financial opportunities to riskier Rwandan entrepreneurs who rely on social collateral.

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