A loan helped to cover the second-year university expenses and continue her studies as a psychology student.

Tika's story

Tika is happy that she found out about Kiva and Credo's joint project - helping motivated student continue their studies and move forward toward their goals.

She is a second-year psychology student, who is described by her lecturers as a hard-working smart girl. She works hard for her personal goals and self-development.

Tika lives in Nukriani, Kakheti in eastern Georgia with her parents. However, this lovely family doesn't generate enough income to cover Tika's tuition fees. Therefore, she is reaching out for a student loan and hopes to get your support and kindness. This loan will encourage her even more, leading her to her dream future.

This loan is special because:

It allows low-income students to pursue education and find jobs before repaying.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details