A loan helped a member to buy agricultural products in order to properly exploit her arable land.

Siguikadi Group's story

Mariam, a 37-year-old woman, is the one who holds the "daba" (hoe). She is the mother of two boys aged 6 and 4 who are not yet old enough to go to school. For the past four years, Mariam has been dedicated to growing sweet peas. Having acquired solid experience with the Kiva program and being aware of the importance of the evolution of her activity and her income, she requested a loan from the MFI to purchase agricultural products. After making her purchases at local markets and maintaining her fields well, she expects to generate an estimated profit of more than 50,000 FCFA, which will allow her to provide for her children's needs and obtain a new loan later.

In this group: Minata, Mariam, Djeneba, Afou, Sitan, Salimata, Fanta, Naminata, Kamaga, Fatoumata, Mafoune, Mariam, Orokia, Fatoumata, Mamou, Adiaratou, Kadiatou

Translator profile picture

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Madeleine Schwartz.

This loan is special because:

It empowers farmers and entrepreneurs in underserved areas in Mali.

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