A loan helped to import more consumer goods.

Saihantuya's story

Saihantuya, 44, is married and lives with her husband and two children in the Bayanhongor province of Mongolia. Her husband is unemployed, her older son attends a local secondary school and her younger daughter goes to kindergarten.

Saihantuya began operating a bakery business in 1998 and started selling clothing in 2000. She imports consumer goods from Erlian, a Chinese border city, and sells them at her rented stall. She wants to expand her business and increase her variety of goods. Saihantuya is a hardworking and modest person who says, "I want to carry on this business and make more profit in order to be able to afford my children's school fees." She is requesting a loan of 3,200,000 MNT to import more consumer goods from China.

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