A loan helped a member to buy a buffalo.

Thanh Luông 182 Group's story

Bien is an ethnic minority woman standing on the right in this photo. She lives with her family in a border village in a mountainous province. To earn a living, she does some agricultural activities such as cultivating rice and breeding chickens and buffalos. After more than 10 years in the business, she can sell buffalos at a good price, so she decided to take this loan to buy one more buffalo to expand her business. She can easily feed the buffalos from the fields without buying feed and will be able to avoid that cost.

Bien will use the profits to repair her house to improve her living conditions. As she had to drop out of school at the secondary level, she hopes her child can attend school fully for a better future. A better life for her family is her goal, and she works very hard to reach that target.

Thank you for this great support from Kiva lenders.

In this group: Bien , Minh , Chung

This loan is special because:

It provides financial and other support to families living in vulnerable communities.

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