A loan helped a member to buy bundles of secondhand clothing.

Vidalina Palacios Group's story

Vidalina Palacios Group is an association where everyone helps one another to get ahead in life and provide their families with a better future and opportunities so that their loved ones do not lack anything nor suffer hardships of any type. Moreover, they are in a program for the elimination of poverty.

One of the members is Emilce Viviana, who is married and a mother. She mentions that she sells secondhand clothing and that, little by little, she made something of herself thanks to her clientele. She also says that she is looking for a way to be able to help support her household and her family through her work.

She is a fighter that, despite her daily difficulties, is looking for a way to invest in her business and improve it. Through this, she wants to be able to give a better life and conditions to her family, and so that they do not lack anything. She is asking for this loan to purchase bundles of secondhand clothing, to keep selling and to fulfill her customers’ demands.

She is grateful for getting the opportunity to be part of the group, since it signifies support for her and her companions.

In this group: Asteria, Juana, Gloria Ramona, Sandra Nathalia, Rosalinda, Florinda, Vitalina, Catalina, Teresa, Limpia Concepcion, Yohana, Emilce Viviana, Fidelina, Nancy Ester, Liz Mabel, Nathalia Guadalupe, Ilce Beatriz, Jessica Ramona, Cinthia Fabiola, Mariela, Elizabeth, Emilce Soledad, Miriam Estela, Maria Magdalena, Celina, Gladys

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Monika Maria Pawlak.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by an industry leading poverty-elimination program.

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