A loan helped a member to buy more animals.

Los Pinalitos Group's story

Raising poultry and animals is a viable way that many rural Maya women earn income. 32-year-old Alejandra, a mother of three children who range in age from one to thirteen, shares that she only attended school for three years because she didn’t like to study. Now, she realizes its importance and has sent her oldest child to school for six years. The middle one is in the second grade. Her husband sells kitchen utensils as a street vendor.

For five years, Alejandra has raised chickens, turkeys and sheep that she sells from her home and in the local market. She requests her second Kiva loan to buy more poultry and sheep. Her goals are to increase the size of her business and be better equipped to take care of her household needs.

Alejandra is the Treasurer of the Friendship Bridge Trust Bank :”Los Piñalitos” in the department/state of Huehuetenango. There are six other women in the group, and the majority of them have the same business as Alejandra while others sell plastic products. They meet monthly to make loan payments and engage in an educational training, part of the “Microcredit Plus” program. The training facilitator uses pictures, diagrams, role playing, and games to share information drawn from everyday topics related to family, women, and business. Recent training has been about health and empowerment.

Alejandra and her friends in the group appreciate the kindness and generosity of Kiva lenders. Thank you!

In this group: Magdalena, Gloria Floridalma, Francisca Teodosa , Alejandra Catalina , Wenses Laura , Angelica Yaneth , Sara Elizabet

This loan is special because:

Clients receive in-depth trainings on business, health, over-indebtedness, and self-esteem.

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