A loan helped to buy calves, salt and formulated animal feed.

Maria Fernanda's story

María is 23 years old. She’s a modest and hard-working individual. She lives with her parents who educated her to secondary-school level. Thanks to them, she also learnt to look after cattle. Three years ago she was able to start out with her own animals and she bought these with her first loan from Banco Vision Fund Ecuador.
She now wants to grow her stock so she can improve her income. This’ll pay for higher education so she can get a professional job. This loan will help her buy calves, salt and formulated animal feed so she can take care of a larger amount of cattle.
Like all youngsters, María hopes to live her dreams, not only for herself but also so she can help all her family, especially her parents who she wants to repay for all they’ve done for her.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Simon Robinson.

This loan is special because:

It aims to reach vulnerable refugee populations in an isolated region.

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