A loan helped to pay for cooking ingredients and utensils.

Leisara's story

Leisara, 45, is strong and a mother of two children, aged 22 and 10.

She resides with her children and partner in an urban location, that is about a 3-minute commute to the main town.

Her partner is a police officer and one of her children is in school: to make ends meet, she sells takeaway meals.

Leisara started her business 3 years ago from self-motivation: the aim of her business is to assist her family with finances and her dream is to support her children until they complete their studies.

Her current objective is to increase her meal supply to meet her customers' demand, but she is unable to achieve her goal due to financial limitations.

She is requesting a loan to pay for cooking ingredients and utensils: the earnings from her business will be used to cover household necessities, education and add to her savings.

Through this loan, she will be able to grow her business and provide quality service to her customers.

Please kindly lend your support to Leisara!

This loan is special because:

It provides women with credit in a country where alternative financing is extremely scarce.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details