Grace is a 41-year-old married mother of four children ages 1 to 24 years old. Her husband is a civil servant, and for the past seven years, she has been selling gas.
Grace is the leader of the group named Dukanguke Sub Grp B Cb, which in English means “Wake up..” Group members sell different items and own a variety of stores.
Grace will use her loan to buy more gas to sell within her community to meet customer demand. With the profits from her sales she hopes to expand business becomes distributor of gas.
She is thankful for the support.
She was photographed as the group representative.
In this group: Sylver, Gorette, Esther, Marguerite, Vincent, Grace, Venuste, Odette, Regine, Pricille, Alivera, Etienne, Diane, Isaie, Eric, Claudine, Marie, Alexie, Priscille, David, Zaituna, Eugene, Thacien