A loan helped a member to buy raw material, specifically, fine thread in different colors, to make her traditional weavings.

Las Rosas De Panabajal Group's story

Reyna is an enthusiastic woman with a desire to get ahead. This beautiful, 29-year-old woman is married, and has a lovely family made up of two children. She lives with her family in the town of Panabajal.

Making traditional weavings is one of Reyna's primary sources of income. She has been working for a number of years in this business that is so important in her life and that of her family. With the earnings it nets she can provide what is necessary for her children. This motivates her to continue onward in her business.

Reyna and her group, made of three brave women, seek a loan this year with the goal of improving their businesses. Reyna's plan is to buy raw material, specifically fine thread of different colors. These women are grateful for the supporting being provided them to move forward with their dreams.

In this group: Reyna Patricia , Erika Floridalma , Kleibelly Francisca

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Laurie Hiller.

This loan is special because:

It targets low-income borrowers who can't access typical microfinance loans.

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