A loan helped to purchase calves and young bulls to start a new livestock breeding business.

Farangiz's story

Farangiz is a resident of the Panjakent region. She is 46 years old. She is married. Farangiz decided to start a new business and bring a new stream of income to her family. /She wants to start a new livestock business.

Farangiz is starting to raise bulls on her property in a cow shed. She has all the conditions necessary for starting this business, but she doesn't have enough money to buy bulls and calves. She applied for a loan with hope that she will be helped, and there will be another stream of income for her family budget. She believes in your support.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Russian by Kiva volunteer Susan Vdovichenko.

This loan is special because:

It helps a vulnerable person start a new business.

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