A loan helped to buy a freezer, small baskets, portable coolers and bags among other things.

Luis David's story

This is Luis, a young man of Afro-Ecuadorian descent. He lives with his partner and their two children in his mother’s house. She supports them so they don’t have to rent and that way they can save to build their own house.
For three years Luis has had a fresh fish business using a small cart he improvises with his bicycle. He goes round his local streets offering his wares to housewives so they can make delicious meals using his fresh fish. Luis goes to collect the fish early in the morning and then sells it.
Luis wants to give his business a huge boost so he’s asking for a loan to buy a freezer, small baskets, portable coolers and bags among other things.
He hopes to increase his sales and generate more income so he can build a house little by little on a piece of land his mother has given him. He also hopes to educate his children so they can get good professional jobs.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Simon Robinson.

This loan is special because:

It aims to reach vulnerable refugee populations in an isolated region.

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