A loan helped to buy the amount of pandanus needed for her weaving business.

Seini's story

This widow's name is Seini. She has nine grown-up children, and all her motherhood she raised, fed and provided for her children through weaving.

She was a weaver before she became a mother, and she used her weaving skills to raise a family. Now all her children have grown up and live with their own families, Seini still insists on running her weaving and being independent.

She weaves with a group of women, and it makes her active. Together they can weave any weavings requested by customers in a small amount of time. With this loan, she is looking forward to buying the amount of pandanus [leaves from the palm-like pandanus tree] she needs for her business.

This loan is special because:

It provides women with credit in a country where alternative financing is extremely scarce.

Loan details

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