A loan helped to buy pandanus to support her weaving business.

'Akesa's story

Akesa is her name, and she is married to a farmer. They have four children, and they are living at her parent's house. It is her long-term goal to one day have a house of their own and live with her family.

She is doing weaving, and she weaves with three other women in their neighborhood. Her business benefits from working in a group, so that she can finish up her weaving on time and meet her customer's demands without fail.

She is applying for this loan to buy pandanus [leaves from the palm-like pandanus tree] for her weaving. Weaving is the main source of income for her family, and she is grateful to be a part of this loan program to empower her business financially.

This loan is special because:

It provides women with credit in a country where alternative financing is extremely scarce.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details