A loan helped to buy pandanus for her weaving business.

Siutiti's story

Siutiti is a mother of four who weaves to provide for her family. She also provides care for the children of her deceased sister.

Her daughter and nieces are old enough so they are helping Siutiti with the weaving. They weave taovala, mats and fihu, using both white and brown pandanus. Siutiti has been running this business for many decades, and witnesses the benefit her family receives from it.

Her loans are the financial support for her business, and family as well. With this loan, she is looking forward to buying a sufficient amount of pandanus needed for her business in order to provide for her family and her sister's children.

This loan is special because:

It provides women with credit in a country where alternative financing is extremely scarce.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

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