A loan helped to buy agricultural supplies.

Omar Alexander's story

Omar is a 24 year-old youth who lives with his father and works alongside him on a farm. He also works as a farmhand on nearby farms to earn money to help support the household. Omar cultivates the land, planting cocoa, banana, and cassava seeds on family land. He has a lot of experience with providing technical care of his crops, because when he was young he used to accompany his father while he worked on the farm.

Omar's main dream is to have his own farm with a system of technical irrigation, so that he could produce better quality crops. Although he knows that this is a big dream, he has faith that he can accomplish it with the help of God and the Kiva organization, from which he is requesting his first loan. He will use this loan to buy agricultural supplies and seeds. He is hoping that this way, he can work to gradually accomplish his dreams and also support his father.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Lisa Grobar.

This loan is special because:

It aims to reach vulnerable refugee populations in an isolated region.

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