A loan helped a member to buy more products for the convenience store, medications for her pharmacy and more chickens and pigs to raise.

La Joya Group's story

Twenty-nine-year-old Martha, a mother of two children who are two and eight years old, is married to a blacksmith. She shares that she only had six years of formal education because she became ill and could not continue her studies.

For many years, she has worked at her small pharmacy. Six months ago, she opened a convenience store next to the pharmacy, and, to generate more income, Martha started raising chickens and pigs that she sells from her home and in the local market. Her goals are to increase the size of the businesses and use her income for personal and household expenses. Martha requests her first Kiva loan to buy more medications, everyday products and beverages for the store and more animals.

Seven Spanish-speaking women, including Martha, formed the Friendship Bridge Trust Bank “La Joya” or “The Jewel” in the department/state of Quetzaltenango. Many have the same businesses as Martha while others are weavers and sellers of casual clothing. They enjoy their monthly meetings and after they make loan payments, they participate in an interactive educational training designed by a Facilitator. The training, which covers topics related to business, health, hygiene, nutrition, family matters and women’s issues, is part of the “Microcredit Plus” program that also includes a bi-monthly visit by a traveling nurse who offers all kinds of exams, consults and family planning.

Thank you, Kiva lenders, for lending a helping hand!

In this group: Elvia Izabel , Laura Maribel , Dersi Carlili , Martha Graciela , Isabela Patricia , Hilda Yaneth , Victoria

This loan is special because:

Clients receive in-depth trainings on business, health, over-indebtedness, and self-esteem.

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