A loan helped a member to buy ingredients such as meat, chicken, ham, cheese, eggs, cooking oil, and vegetables, among other items.

Kuña Mbarete Group's story

This is the group "Kuña Mbarete", where everyone helps each other and has the same goals for growth. They have a common goal of growth not only financially but also as individuals, to be able to get ahead together and help each other to discover a better future.

Within the group's program are the elimination of poverty and being conscious of the ability to better their living conditions. Juliana Soledad is the group's president, she is an active woman who fights for her family. She also helps her companions as much as she is able.

Juliana Soledad has her own business which consists of the production and sale of groceries. She herself is in charge of making and selling them on the street.

Her aim is to continue investing in her business and through her work she can continue contributing to supporting her household and family, so that they do not lack anything.

She is seeking a loan to buy basic goods to stock groceries, such as meat, chicken, ham, cheese, eggs, cooking oil, and vegetables, among other items to continue with sales.

In this group: Juliana Soledad, Norma Beatriz, Silvia, Maria Auxiliadora, Rosa Angela, Fatima Claudelina, Maria Ermelinda, Yenifer Araceli, Fernanda Beatriz, Jessica Paola, Antonia, Natalia Beatriz, Katia

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer David DiSilvestro.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by an industry leading poverty-elimination program.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details