A loan helped a member to buy vegetables, fruits, baskets, and bags.

Las Aguilas Group's story

Rosa Lilian is 38 years old and lives with her children. She is a single mother and has two children, one of which is 17 years old and the other is 12 years old. They are both financially dependent on her and she does not have any family abroad.

Rosa works in the sale of fruits, vegetables, baskets, and bags. She performs her work well, and it permits her to generate income for her financial responsibilities. Rosa wishes to strengthen her business and, as such, is seeking a loan to purchase vegetables, fruits, baskets, and bags.

Rosa, along with Maria, Gloria, Guadalupe, and Ercides, form a solidarity group called "Las Aguilas" (The Eagles). They are a group of responsible people who seek the same goal of getting ahead.

In this group: Maria Magdalena, Gloria Margarita, Ercides Alexander, Rosa Lilian, Guadalupe Aracely

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer David DiSilvestro.

This loan is special because:

It includes access to business education classes.

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