A loan helped to buy dresses, hoodies, pants, blouses, lycra, underwear, jackets, among other clothing items.

Lucia Amparo's story

Lucia, 26 years old, is a single mother who lives with her daughter in a small family home north of the city, in a humble house made of brick and tile.

For Lucia, getting ahead and providing a good education for her daughter is the most important thing, which is why she started her own business 3 years ago selling clothes as a street merchant and at the fairs in the city where she lives. Lucia sets up a small temporary stand at these fairs for which she pays a tax to the municipality, although her dream is to have a permanent location in the market. She is sure that her patience and good service will make her location successful, providing her with good profits to cover the rent and to provide her daughter a good life.

Lucia wants to gradually increase her merchandise to market during this back-to-school season, and she is requesting a loan to buy dresses, hoodies, pants, blouses, lycra, underwear, jackets, among other clothing items. With this she hopes to have a greater flow of sales and therefore more profit to cover her needs and change the living conditions for her family.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Gail LeGrand.

This loan is special because:

It aims to reach vulnerable refugee populations in an isolated region.

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