A loan helped to buy calves, pigs, and chickens.

Tatiana Elizabeth's story

This is Tatiana, a 43-year-old woman who lives with her mother north of the city in a small family house. She has a third-level education [undergraduate degree] that she paid for herself thanks to her work in the livestock and dry cattle trade, which provides her with enough income to support herself and help her mother with the household expenses.

Tatiana is very grateful for the financial support she has received from the VisionFund Ecuador Bank, since it has given her the opportunity to be her own boss with her business, as she knows that it is difficult to get ahead without financial capital to work with.

Tatiana is looking for a new loan to buy calves, pigs, and chickens to raise and later sell at a good price at the local animal market. This will help her earn some money to be able to support her children.

Her desire is to grow the business with good pig keeping and in this way improve her income with the objective of being able to buy property where her children can have stability.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Gail LeGrand.

This loan is special because:

It aims to reach vulnerable refugee populations in an isolated region.

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