A loan helped to buy calves, salt, and cattle feed.

Karolina Alexandra's story

This is Karolina, a young single mother who is 19 years old. She has a 1 year-old daughter and lives with her mother, who works in agriculture. Karolina has already been working, helping her mother with raising cattle. This is how she got the experience that enabled her to have her own animals.

Karolina is seeking her first loan to buy more calves to raise. This way, she can generate an income to support her daughter. Her goal is to continue to expand her capital so that in the future, she can have dairy cows. This would give her greater profitability, because the milk would provide her with a bi-weekly income that would benefit her greatly.

Karolina recently finished high school, and she is hoping to be able to start at the univerity so that she can pursue a professional degree. This way, she can get ahead with her daughter, whom she would also like to take on a family trip to Mexico at some point.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Lisa Grobar.

This loan is special because:

It aims to reach vulnerable refugee populations in an isolated region.

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