A loan helped to buy medium-sized pigs.

Jhuliana Alejandra's story

Jhuliana is 29 years old and is a single mother. He has a son that goes to school and they live in a rented house in the rural district of Yamba. There she does agricultural jobs to be able to survive.

One of her sources of income is raising pigs. She has 6 years of experience with this job that allows her to know the deseases and necessities of each species of pig.

Jhuliana wishes to have a loan to increase the quantity of fattening pigs. This will allow her to have a greater income to be able to pay for one more year of her son's education.

Her future plans are focused in purchasing a terrain and building a home to have a stable address and have an easier time raising her animals. Additionally, like every mother she wants to provide the best for her son so she is willing to work very hard so that her son has a complete education.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Caroline Z.

This loan is special because:

It aims to reach vulnerable refugee populations in an isolated region.

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