A loan helped to buy a new sewing machine in order to start a new business.

Safrona's story

Safrona is a resident of Panjakent region. She is married and has children.

Safrona is 26 and plans to open her own sewing business. She can sew and cut women's national clothes and wants to use these skills for business.

Before, she sewed only for personal use, but now she intends to take women's orders for sewing dresses. Naturally, her first clients will be her acquaintances, neighbours, and relatives. Safrona will conduct this business from home.

With the requested loan, Safrona plans to buy a new modernised sewing machine. She really wants to start her business and become an independent woman.

Safrona requests that you give her the chance to realise her goal.

This loan is special because:

It helps a vulnerable person start a new business.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details