A loan helped to purchase livestock in order to increase income from livestock production.

Bekbosun's story

This man's name is Bekbosun. He is 68 years old, married and has 5 children. He has a secondary specialised education. By nature, he is a kind and responsive person.

He has been engaged in animal husbandry and field crop cultivation as the main income for his family for 32 years. Livestock is kept on the property of the house where there are good conditions for keeping animals. Thanks to Bekbosun ‘s hard work, today he owns a good farm with 40 sheep, 1 horse and 8 cows. Thanks to the cows, Bekbosun sells organic milk every day.

In order to develop further his business, he has applied to Bai Tushum Bank for a loan of 100,000 soms (KGS) for the purchase of livestock in order to increase income from livestock rearing. The income from the loan will help improve the financial situation of his family.

Bekbosun thanks all Kiva’s lenders for their support and wishes them all the best.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Russian by Kiva volunteer Liubov Parsons.

This loan is special because:

The borrower receives a lower interest rate to fund their agriculture activities.

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