A loan helped to buy ribbons, costume jewelry, toys, and a lot of other items in order to stock her place.

Emma Dolores's story

Emma Dolores, age 22, is in a common-law marriage and has a four year old son. Her husband is a bricklayer and a merchant. They live in Portoviejo, an area of beautiful places that mixes countryside landscapes, beaches, and a varied gastronomy that is attractive to tourists who visit this beautiful place.

She is a hardworking woman who looks for the way to earn her resources. However, facing the lack of employment opportunities, she hopes to start a business with the help of the loan. This way she will generate resources with which she will help her husband carry the household burden.

She hopes for fix up a place in her house and sell a variety of items like ribbons, costume jewelry, toys, gifts, party decorations, and many other things in the 50s style.

This loan is to buy ribbons, costume jewelry, toys, and a lot of other items in order to stock her place.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ginny Kalish.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by useful, real-life business training.

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