A loan helped a member to buy a cleaning products micro-franchise.

Kuña Katupyry Group's story

This group, called Kuña Katupyry, formed from the union of friends and neighbors in the city of Asunción, who seek a way to improve their quality of life and that of their loved ones. They are in their 6th cycle with the women's committee program.

One of the members is Marina Elizabeth, who works producing and selling cleaning products which she herself makes and sells from her house, and which she accessed through the micro-franchises offered by the foundation as a business idea for the women in the group.

She is a very active woman who fights tirelessly for her family in order to give them better opportunities and so they do not lack anything.

Marina Elizabeth is a hardworking person who, despite the daily difficulties, seeks a way to get ahead and offer her loved ones all that she could not have.

She requested this loan for the purchase of a cleaning products micro-franchise in order to continue with her production and sales.

Note: The child in the photo is the son of one of the group members signing this loan.

In this group: Lidia Maricela, Morris Liliana, Rosalba, Natalia Raquel, Marta Beatriz, Nadia Carolina, Marina Elizabeth, Paola Ynes, Gloria Elizabeth, Helen Melina, Amanda Belen, Belinda Elizabeth, Fiorela Guadalupe, Lisi Mariel, Jessica Camila, Mirta Elizabeth, Viviana Nair, Milagros Janeli Jesevel, Patricia Carolina, Soledad Del Rosario, Angelica Elizabeth

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Julie Arenson.

This loan is special because:

It targets women and youth to expand their businesses.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details