A loan helped a member to buy materials like dyes, creams, shampoo, rinses, and others.

Divino Niño Jesus Group's story

This is a group in which all the members set themselves the goal of being able to grow, not just economically but also as people, so their loved ones have better opportunities. They help each other and look for ways to give their families a better future. They're also in the poverty-elimination program, fighting together to improve their living conditions.

Liliana Elizabeth is one of the group members. She's a very hardworking person, and she said she fights tirelessly to make her own way and be able to help her husband with the household income.

She works in hairstyling and also sells clothing, and she said she works hard to be able to give her two children a better future and better opportunities, and for them to be able to be honorable people in the future.

She's requesting this loan to buy materials like dyes, creams, shampoo, rinses, and others so she can continue as usual with her work.

In this group: Luz Marina, Edith Raquel, Maria Francisca, Natalia Karina, Zulema Beatriz, Clementina, Doris Graciela, Lilian Concepcion, Maria Magdalena, Catalina, Monica Beatriz, Romualda, Gladys Antonia, Lisbette Antonella, Petrona Nolasca, Mirtha Ramona, Lida Rosa, Liliana Elizabeth, Margarita Virginia, Paola Celeste, Felipa, Celia, Araceli Montserrat, Benigna, Eva Nancy

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Catharine Wall.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by an industry leading poverty-elimination program.

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