A loan helped a member to buy greens, meat, condiments, vegetables, bread, and other products.

Mujeres Valientes Group's story

There are 12 members of this group. They help each other to get ahead and to be able to offer better living conditions to their loved ones. They are within the poverty elimination program.

One of them is Carolina Beatriz, who has 2 children for whom she fights to get ahead and give a better future, so they may have better living conditions and not forgo any necessities. She mentions that she works producing and selling foods which she makes herself and sells. She comments that she has a modest business where she works every day starting early in the morning, which is when she gets up to prepare the foods that she sells.

She requested this loan to buy raw ingredients to be able to make her foods, such as greens, meat, condiments, vegetables, bread, and other products to continue with her production.

Note: The child in the photo is the daughter of one of the group members signing this loan.

In this group: Carolina Beatriz, Ramona, Natalia Noemi, Honorina, Yanina Belen, Jazmin Carolina, Felicia, Antonia Beatriz, Nidia, Alicia Araceli, Teodora, Milagros Soledad

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Julie Arenson.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by an industry leading poverty-elimination program.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details