A loan helped a member to buy raw material for making meals, like vegetables, meat, condiments, tubers, breads, and other items.

Divino Niño Jesús Group's story

This communal banking group is called Divine Child Jesus, and it was formed thanks to one of the group members, who motivated the others to work together and in that way be able to sustain their household and their loved ones. They are also part of the program for the elimination of poverty, fighting together for a better future.

One of the group members is Mrs. Elvis Magdalena, who is married and has two children who are still young. She comments that she works selling meals and that because everything she makes is delicious, she has a well formed customer base. She also mentions that she began working from a very young age for other people until she decided to work for herself, and to be able to have her own business.

She is a hard-working person who fights to move forward and procure sustenance for herself and her family so that in this way she will be able to give her loved ones what she was not able to have.

She is asking for this loan in order to buy raw material for making meals, like vegetables, meat, condiments, tubers, breads, and other items.

Observation: The children in the photo are kids of group members who have signed for this loan.

In this group: Lola, Elvis Magdalena, Limpia Concepcion, Cinthia Paola, Cesilia, Maria Del Carmen, Blanca Mariela, Ramona Estefania, Andrea Belen, Luz Maria, Carina Eliana, Margarita, Hilda Dejesus, Tania Elizabeth, Cristina, Sandra Andrea, Isabel, Elsa Mariana, Clotilde, Lucia, Emilia, Maria Concepcion, Laura Soledad, Cynthia Lujan

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Debra McMahon.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by an industry leading poverty-elimination program.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details