A loan helped a member to buy a variety of drinks to sell.

Sagrado Corazón De Jesús Group's story

The Sagrado Corazón de Jesús committee is in their 17th loan cycle of the Women's Committee program. They are united and supportive of each other. They work together in different businesses and also help each other in order to get ahead.

One of them is Nilda Ignacia. She makes an effort for her family to be able to provide them everything, be able to provide a better future and so they can have a better quality of living.

She is a self-sacrificing woman who despite her daily difficulties looks for a way to continue growing and improving. Doing this she can give her loved ones all she could not have.

She comments that she earns a living selling drinks and through this business generates sustenance for her loved ones so they can have a dignified life with all they need.

She is requesting this loan to buy a variety of drinks to sell so she can continue with her sales and in this way continue with her work as she has been doing.

In this group: Norma Vicenta, Nilda Ignacia, Elva Concepcion, Celia Maria, Nidia, Sally Graciela, Diana Librada, Evangelista, Miryans Graciela, Catalina, Mirian Graciela, Maria Ester, Nora Gabriela, Kuky Jacqueline, Alexandra Raquel

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer leonardo.

This loan is special because:

It includes a basic health insurance plan.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details