A loan helped a member to expand her store by buying beans, sugar, noodles, eggs, and salt.

Girasol 2 Group's story

Magdalena is 61 years old. She grew up with her parents and went to school through grade 2, since her parents could no longer maintain her in school. From the time she was young, she began to work weaving huipiles [traditional blouses] and shawls.

She got married when she was 18, and she has 4 children. She continued to make weavings, and this allowed her to support her husband with the family expenses, and they succeeded in supporting their children's schooling.

From neighbors she found out that they were forming a group to obtain loans that are offered by the "Asociacion Chalulense de Mujeres Unidas por la Vida." This year she will receive her third loan.

The first loan was invested in the purchase of a sewing machine in order to begin tailoring work. Her second loan was invested in starting a store selling products that are consumed daily. This year, she will expand her store, buying products such as beans, sugar, noodles, eggs, and salt.

Magdalena is the leader of the Girasol 2 group. The group is made up of four women who are all of Maya Ixil ethnicity. The group will invest 25% in food, 25% in retail sales, and 50% in textiles. On average, each member of the group has 4 children. The average age of the members is 48. Twenty-five percent of the group is illiterate, 50% did not finish their primary schooling, and 25% finished secondary school.

In this group: Julia, Magdalena, Magdalena, María Angela

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Rita Levitz.

This loan is special because:

ACMUV is an organization formed and led by indigenous women.

Loan details

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