A loan helped a member to buy thread to expand her business making traditional weavings.

Girasol 1 Group's story

Ana is 52 years old. She was raised by her mother. Because her father died from a sickness when she was five years old, Ana did not have the opportunity to attend school. She cut maguey to make ropes. She then had to walk long distances to take her ropes to sell.

Ana married at 17 years old. She traveled to southern Guatemala to cut coffee. She worked at this job for fifteen years. Six months ago her husband died on a farm on the southern coast.

Ana learned about the loans offered to women by the Asociación Chajulense de Mujeres Unidas Por la Vida. She was interested because it seemed to be a good opportunity. This year she will receive her fourth loan. She has invested them in making traditional weavings, including tunics. This year she will invest in the purchase of thread to expand her business making traditional weaving.

Ana is the leader of the Girasol 1 group. It is made up of four women, all of whom are of Maya Ixil ethnicity. The group will invest 25% in agriculture and 75% in textiles. On average the group members have four children. The median age of the women is 47 years old. Seventy-five percent of them are illiterate, and 25% did not complete their primary education.

In this group: Ana, Eugenia, Isabel, Isabela

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Laurie Hiller.

This loan is special because:

ACMUV is an organization formed and led by indigenous women.

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