A loan helped to buy inputs such as fertilizer and to assist with the milpa.

Santos Cornelio's story

Santos Cornelio is 45 years old, married, and has three children. He lives in the municipality of Morazán, Yoro. He has been growing beans for 25 years, which he does on rented land.

He wants to invest in his business and is requesting a loan in the amount of 25,000 lempiras. He will use this loan to buy inputs such as fertilizer and to assist with the milpa. He believes that the loan will help him buy what he needs to improve his crops. His goal is to continue increasing production and buying the best inputs and fertilizers.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Jarita Acosta.

This loan is special because:

It allows smallholder farmers to purchase inputs to improve yields on favorable terms.

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