A loan helped to buy flour, sugar, sodas, oil and salt.

Gerardo Antonio's story

Gerardo Antonio is 41 years old. He is married and has 1 son. He lives with his family in the municipality of Comayagua.

He has earned his income for 6 years by making and selling bread such as "semitas" (small loaves of sweet bread), doughnuts, "bollos" ( baked dough in the form of a bun, roll, miniature loaf) and "enrollados" (bread with stuffings). He runs his business from his home.

He is requesting a loan to the ODEF organization for the quantity of 15,000 lempiras so that he can invest it in the purchase of flour, sugar, sodas, oil and salt. This investment will help him have better conditions and continue to grow his business .

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Caroline Z.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by financial education and provides borrowers access to a savings account.

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