A loan helped a member to buy some crates of drinks and some bags of rice for the restaurant and to sell.

Dagnimtaaba Gs Group's story

Adissa is 42, married and mother of four children who are all in school. She manages a restaurant and has been doing so for ten years.She is requesting a loan to buy some crates of drinks and bags of rice for the restaurant and to sell. Her restaurant is well placed and she is well-known given her experience. She is also respectful and welcoming to her customers. In addition, her drinks are nice and fresh and the different foods that she proposes to her customers are tasty and available. All of this ensures that her activity works very well. After these sales she will have a profit which will enable her to put aside some savings to take care of her family and also to continue her activities. She is on her second loan contract with ACFIME and respects the repayments on the correct dates.

In this group: Adissa, Martine, Blandine, Cathérine

Translator profile picture

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Joanne Assheton.

This loan is special because:

It empowers people in an underserved area to grow their businesses.

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