A loan helped to add stock to her business.

Saisa's story

Saisa believes that every refugee girl, woman, and child deserve a life of prosperity and dignity with equal access to safety, education, and economic prosperity.

She says that for anyone to achieve all this, it is through determination and hard work nothing can come on a silver plate.

She is a charcoal seller whose service is in high demand in the community where she lives, but at the moment she has very little stock.

She would like to add more stock so that she is able to sell more, educate her children and start a restaurant one day. To be where she is today is by the grace of God.

She is very glad for all the support that VisionFund and Kiva has given her.

This loan is special because:

It helps farmers in Uganda increase their income and provide for their families.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details