A loan helped a member to buy 10 20L cans of concentrated lemon juice, 50 woven pagnes [traditional wax-printed wraps] and 1 20L can of shea butter.

Nema 2 Group's story

Madame Marcelle, on the right of the photo, raising her hand, is the group's leader. She is a widow, 68 years old, who has seven children, including a daughter. She also looks after four grandsons and four nephews. Madame Marcelle is engaged in selling lemon concentrate, woven pagnes and shea butter. She buys her supplies in the surrounding villages with a view to selling them in the capital. She uses the proceeds to build up her savings and manage her family's expenses.

In this group: Marcelle, Albertine, Madeleine, Claudine

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Niclas Witton.

This loan is special because:

It empowers entrepreneurs living in rural Senegal.

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