A loan helped will help to buy mulberry to make tapas and generate income for her family.

Lavenita's story

Her name is Lavenita and she is 39 years old. She is still single, living with her three younger siblings at their home. Lavenita provides care for her siblings since their parents passed away.

Once every week she joins a group of women in their village to make tapas. Her two little sister also help with preparing her soft tapas. It has been ten years since she cared for her siblings, feeding them and educating them.

She joined the loan program to provide financial support for her business and their living as well. With this loan she is able to buy mulberry, make more tapas and generate more income.

This loan is special because:

It provides women with credit in a country where alternative financing is extremely scarce.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details