A loan helped a member to buy blouses, shirts for men and supplies to make pupusas and tortillas.

La Chacarita Group's story

Nataly Mariela is 21 years old, lives with her partner, has two children and has no relatives abroad. Being people who seek the same goal to get ahead, Nataly together with Yesenia and Concepción make up the solidarity group "La Chacarita"
Nataly works from Monday to Friday selling lunches and tortillas; on Saturday and Sunday she sells cakes, a job that allows her to generate income to cover her economic responsibilities.
She wants to strengthen her business and sell a variety of products to improve her income. Therefore, she requests a loan to buy blouses, shirts for men and supplies to make pupusas and tortillas.

In this group: Nataly Mariela, Concepcion, Yesenia Adilene

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Salvador Quintanilla.

This loan is special because:

It includes access to business education classes.

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