A loan helped to buy soft drinks, mineral water, cooking oil, "quintales" of potatoes, eggs, chickens and disposable plates.

Maria Luisa's story

María is 48 years old, she lives happily with her husband and children in the La Loma sector. Her children are independent and her husband is employed in the private sector. María did not receive a full education, she only completed secondary school. Ten years ago she had the idea to open a fast food outlet which yielded great results. Her business has allowed her to educate her children and have a small home. María obtained her first loan in 2021, each loan will help her to to improve the outlet. This is what she did with the purchase of a grill that allows her to roast meats. She has plans to continue improving her business and seeks a new loan to build up her capital and purchase soft drinks, mineral water, cooking oil, "quintales" of potatoes, eggs, chickens and disposable plates. This loan will mean she can rely on a good stock of the supplies that she needs to prepare fast foods. María and her husband are working to expand the outlet and finish the construction of their home so that the family can live together in harmony.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Nic Couldrey.

This loan is special because:

It aims to reach vulnerable refugee populations in an isolated region.

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