A loan helped a member to buy cosmetics and perfumes.

Falcon Group's story

Damiana is 46 years old. She is a very enterprising person. She is married, but has no one depending financially on her. Damiana works selling products, among these she offers perfumes, cosmetics and liquid soaps to her customers. This work allows her to generate income for her financial responsibilities.
However, she wants to improve her business. For this reason she is requesting a loan to buy cosmetics and perfumes. With this loan she hopes to have more availability for her customers.
Together with Jose y Evelin, Damiana forms part of the solidarity group “ FALCON” , being people who look for the common goal of moving ahead.

In this group: Damiana, Jose Adilson, Evelin Liliana

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Patricia Mueller.

This loan is special because:

It includes access to business education classes.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details